If It Feels Urgent, It Is Not Spiritual

Jul 07, 2024
This blog post is for my girlies who want to step away from dysregulated spending and purchase from a place of intention, with a strong foundation of self-trust and self-worth.
If you are prone to impulse purchasing, feel high levels of anxiety or heightened immediacy in your body that leads you to make frequently misaligned purchases, identifying a shift in consciousness can be a really empowering practice.
One SUPER helpful rule of thumb, both in purchasing and in life, is this:
“If it feels urgent, it is not spiritual.”
Feelings of urgency are informed by ego - and when we are driven by ego, we are driven by self-centered fear. Typically, this fear is centered around unworthiness and unlovability.
When you're triggered and creating a narrative that feels urgent, you have a choice to click into intentionality. My best suggestion is to pause, take note of the fear, and sit with the feeling until it passes. In the pause, you will demonstrate to yourself that you are powerful enough to control the narrative. The act of acknowledging and sitting with emotion, no matter what comes up, can be pivotal.
In those moments when you feel like you HAVE to purchase (insert item name here) immediately, PRACTICE THE PAUSE. Put a pin in any purchasing decisions until the next day, and circle back to the item with fresh eyes when you are no longer hooked by triggers or fabricated needs. 
This shift will become easier and easier as your mindfulness muscle memory strengthens, and eventually you will be able to avoid dysregulated purchasing entirely.
This valuable nugget of wisdom is relevant for all areas of life, and training yourself to operate from this empowered state will yield big results.
So…If you feel urgency to send that one last text to the guy who ghosted you, or respond to a client complaint email, or buy something when you feel triggered by imposter syndrome, or rush to the checkout because you are worried the items will sell out… 
PRACTICE THE PAUSE, take a deep breath, and circle back when your body feels regulated.


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