"New Year, True You"

Jan 03, 2025
This may come as a surprise given my chosen fashion-related profession, but I am not a proponent of “New Year, New You”.
Don’t get me wrong, I love reinvention and will always cheer on a glow-up (I mean, I cried binge watching every single episode of Queer Eye Season 9), I just find the energy of “New You” to be a bit sticky because the consumer messaging around this mantra is rooted in scarcity, unworthiness and the suggestion that we need to be, do and have MORE, and I wholeheartedly disagree.
As someone who walks with women as they navigate the path of empowerment - and has also helped hundreds of women release purchasing patterns that do not serve them - I am here to say that the journey is never about the acquisition of things or external validation. True strength is found in stillness, self-awareness and self-trust, and it is an inside job.
So Queens, this year, I am proposing “New Year, True You”.
What if, instead of chasing some “new” version, you choose to come home to your SELF.
What if, instead of attempting to fill a void in your worthiness by acquiring more things, you give your inner child a hug and remind her that she is perfect, whole, complete and LOVED as she is.
What if, instead of chasing some unattainable version of perceived perfection, you let yourself celebrate life as it comes…including the mess.
What if, instead of valuing other’s opinions of what you SHOULD be doing, you do whatever the f*ck you want, wear whatever sparks the most joy, and follow your biggest, wildest, most soul-aligned dreams.
Let’s let 2025 be a year of curiosity and wonder.A year where we get real about who we truly are and what we came here to do. A year of increased self-awareness and higher vibrations. A year of inherent worthiness. A year of purpose and passion, and a year of connection, individuality and acceptance. 
Wishing you all an abundant New Year!


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